Description: Collect, analyze, and visualize data from Defense Medical Logistics Standard Support (DMLSS) server to create a business intelligence product which shows by-platform materiel availability and readiness for Expeditionary Medical Capabilities (EXMED). By automating this manual process, leadership will be able to definitively answer frequent data RFIs and mitigate risks to EXMED supply chain supportability and maintenance.
Overview: Equipment and Supply (E&S) is at the core of Navy Medicine’s enterprise-wide foundational change designing and delivering agile and integrated EXMED capabilities. The analytic process used to build the business intelligence product will be transformed into the Equipment and Supply Module of the future Navy Medicine Virtual Fusion Center, a digital hub that fuses information across the BUMED enterprise and provides a single access point for critical data so it can beleveraged.
Problem Statement: Currently, leadership has no real-time enterprise visibility into the EXMED equipment and supply data. This lack of data visibility presents risk of reporting EXMED platform readiness, risk to EXMED assemblage ready-to-issue posture, and ultimate risk to mission for the Surgeon General.
· Add new DMLSS data elements to support requirements.
· Continue to develop and test product iterations with key organizational stakeholders.
· Establish product life cycle management with the organization.
Results/Objective: The team will deliver a minimal viable product for iterative development and deployment by the close of CY 23. Leadership benefits from an automated process that can definitively answer frequent data RFIs and mitigate risks to EXMED supply chain supportability and maintenance.